Never miss a booking opportunity again

Boost bookings across your venues

Enhance your
customers' experience and boost successful booking conversions by showcasing availability across your venues and cross-selling between them, with the best reservation tool for restaurant groups!

No availability at one location?

No problem!

Cross-Sell Section 1 (3)

Capture diner booking momentum

Suggest alternative
possibilities if your diner's initial timeslot/location isn’t available – without having to send them away from the booking page at all.

A self-contained, seamless booking journey to prevent your diner disappearing off to a competitor's website! 

Simplify your booking process and drive additional reservations for your locations.

Drive additional revenue

Across a two-month period, a ResDiary customer who operates multiple restaurants within one city was able to
generate 270+ additional bookings by instantly redirecting diners to available timeslots at an alternative venue within their portfolio.

Think of the extra revenue that could equate to for your restaurant group!

Cross-Sell Revenue (4)

Never Lose a Booking: Cross-Sell Across Your Venues

Find out what cross-selling is, why it's important for your business and how ResDiary's Cross-Sell feature can help you.

Read more

Keep exploring features

See how ResDiary can help your business thrive:


Optimise Operations
Run processes smoothly and seamlessly

Attract Diners
Increase your bookings, boost your revenue
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Grow Your Business
Use diner data to drive growth and repeat visits
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Partnerships for efficient venue management