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Ultimate Guide to Summer for Hospitality Venues in 2024

Written by Alex Rogers | May 21, 2024 7:30:00 AM

Maximise your space and grow your summer revenue, whatever your venue

Summer is a critical season when it comes to ensuring your hospitality venue enjoys a successful year. Not only is it longer than the fantastically frantic festive period, but the results from our latest survey suggest restaurants, pubs and hotels could do more.

Nearly half (43%) of the businesses we surveyed reckon it’s their busiest time of the year, while 74% change their menu specifically for the warm, hazy days. And with more than three-quarters (76%) of operators saying they want to be busier during the summer, we’ve pulled together this ultimate guide to help make the most of your venue during these crucial months.

In this ultimate guide to summer, which has been built on feedback from both operators and diners, you’ll find out how foresight in your planning can yield significant benefits in the battle for success in the peak summer months, as well as providing some advice on how you can ensure that positivity continues for diners well beyond their original booking.

Get the full guide! Download your copy of the Ultimate Guide to Summer for Hospitality Venues


Why summer matters: stats that tell the story

Operators and diners agree – summertime is the right time to dine out! From sunny Saturdays with drinks in a beer garden or date nights under the stars, it’s one of the most popular times of the year to head out for customers, and that means more potential revenue for your venue.

Here are some sizzling stats from our latest survey that’ll set the scene for the full story as to how important (and profitable) summer can be for hospitality venues.

  • Almost all diners (92%) said that warm and sunny weather is the top reason for dining out during the summer months.
  • Most operators (78%) confirm a surge in business during the period. Almost half (43%) say it’s their busiest time of the year!
  • When the summer weather hits, the majority of diners want to eat outside (71%), and more than half (51%) want to visit a venue with a garden, deck, terrace, or patio.
  • The majority (67%) of venue owners will have planned at least three months in advance for the summer period.
  • Most diners want something special in the summer, with 60% looking forward to special offers or promotions, while 52% get excited about seeing new summer menu items.
  • Unsurprisingly, most venue operators (75%) say they sell more drinks during the summer months and 53% of diners agree that they tend to go out more for drinks during summer.



Summer prep for all venues (managing bookings, staff, and customers in the busy months)

Summer is undeniably the peak period for venue owners and operators. As our survey findings show, a whopping 78% of operators confirm a surge in business during the period, with 43% labelling it as their busiest time of the year!

We can all agree that effective planning is the key to success. In fact, a previous ResDiary report (Beyond the Booking - Festive Season Success Unwrapped) found those that planned before August had more festive reservations, with 24% of restaurants already fully booked by September.

However, with the summer season being longer - and potentially more lucrative - than the festive period, it would make sense for operators to begin planning early, perhaps even as soon as the Christmas decorations are being put away.

Despite this, our summer survey found that the majority (67%) of venue owners will have planned at least three months in advance for the summer period. Almost a third (27%) plan at least six months in advance and, naturally, it is these venues that will be better prepared to boost their table bookings and ensure a smooth service when the time comes. While they may be at opposite ends of the scale in terms of temperature, turning up the heat on your summer plans in winter will set your venue up for greater success.

But how and where do you start making those plans? The first answer lies in looking back!

Don't let your summer be a washout. Get the help you need to control your table bookings with ResDiary. See it in action today!


Deep dive into your summer booking data

Smart venue operators know how important it is to review booking and spend data from previous years to see what worked and what didn’t, when their busy periods were, and to see who was visiting them regularly and how often.

Take action today and trawl through your available data. Did you have more regular traffic coming in during the summer months? How much of that was from walk-ins and how many from reservations?

With so much information flying around, it can be difficult to interpret and even more difficult to know what to do with it once you’ve worked out what it means! However, the good news is that your restaurant booking system can help you review and make sense of all that info from previous years more easily.

Better still, integrating booking data from your reservation system with spend data from your EPoS can give you a full and clear picture of what to expect and help you build a more effective plan for the summer months.

This is especially important if you (like many venues) intend to change anything about your service experience, like opening hours, changing your space, or releasing a new menu. As, Jack Edge (Founder at EDGEY, a hospitality marketing firm), said in a recent ResDiary webinar about changing your space or menu, or anything to maximise revenue, “If you plan on changing anything about your experience, then dive into your previous data. Double down on what worked and then take away what didn’t!”



Be prepared for longer and busier days

As the summer season approaches, it's imperative for venues to not only acknowledge these trends but also to strategise accordingly to ensure that every service can run smoothly, and that every table booking provides value.

Anticipating heightened foot traffic, adjusting staffing levels, and optimising operational systems are paramount. Among the top operational tactics employed are increasing staff numbers or available working hours during service times (implemented by 70% of respondents), hiring more temporary staff (67%) and increasing stock (62%).

Again, your analysis of covers from previous years will provide the insight you need to plan accordingly for the coming summer months. As Jack Edge (Founder at EDGEY, a hospitality marketing firm), said in a recent ResDiary webinar about planning your staff accordingly, “It’s business basics and it’s about labour forecasting. Tap into your pre-booked sales data in your booking system, like ResDiary, and use a system like RotaReady to ensure that you’re syncing the data between the two so you’ve got it bang on in being able to drive those decisions.

You can also use ResDiary’s table management tool to ensure you have the right seating plans in place to deal with increased demand (and increased space for many venues), whether it’s for a party or a group enjoying a few bottles of Prosecco!

Beyond understanding the implications, it's crucial for businesses to adopt proactive measures to manage the anticipated surge in summer activity. From refining marketing strategies to optimising table plans and segments, we'll delve into actionable tactics in the coming sections to help you navigate the bustling summer season with confidence.


Create sizzling summer experiences to attract early table bookings

Did your venue roll out any special promotions or menus last year? Whether it was drinks specials or exclusive summer-themed dishes, now is the perfect opportunity to revisit and revamp these strategies to attract more bookings this summer.

Almost two-thirds (60%) of diners say they look forward to special offers and promotions, and 52% are excited to see updated menus when they visit a venue over the summer months – which means this might be the best time to consider trying something new.

Your diners are hungry for something other than the ‘same-old, same-old’, so now’s your chance to wow them with a memorable day or night out!

74% of venue operators say they change up their menu for summer, so you’re in good company if you make some adjustments at your place too. Try adding some fun and lighter flare to your menu or incorporate more locally sourced fresh ingredients to give your regular customers something new and exciting to look forward to.

Events can be a great way to attract customers and make the most of the summer months as well! Consider introducing some local live music on typically slower nights to inject more life into your venue’s atmosphere or try offering your customers the opportunity to make your signature dishes during interactive evening cooking classes with your head chef.

Did you know that with ResDiary, you can create special menus and events that can slip effortlessly into your online booking experience? Speak to our team to see it in action today!




Making the most of the great outdoors: summer space tips for hospitality venues

Does your venue have space for outdoor dining? If so, get the power washer out and prep that patio because the extra work will be worth it when the warm weather hits!

According to our survey, 71% of people prefer eating outside during summer and almost everyone (92%) surveyed agreed that eating and drinking outdoors is the best when the weather is nice. Be sure to highlight any features that make your outdoor space extra special - rooftop patios are the most popular with 55% of those under the age of 34, and waterside dining is close behind (43%), but ultimately, the vast majority enjoys eating outside in the sun.

It’s probably no surprise then that two-thirds (66%) of venue operators repurpose space for the summer months, whether it’s the pavement, a courtyard, or even the rooftop. Operators we spoke to said this approach added 45% space to their venue – which of course creates amazing revenue opportunities. We’ve got some great advice on maximising your covers with the right seating plan!

With ResDiary’s table management system, you can create segments within spaces (like your garden) to take bookings and automatically manage them. These segments can be set to be available for different times of day or even specific days. They can also be switched on and off whenever you need them. So, you essentially only need to create the segment once and use it for years to come!



Attract more diners with summer drinks (an absolute must for all venues)

Nothing complements a sunny day outdoors quite like sipping on a cool drink among friends and family, and summertime is the perfect time for that!

Unsurprisingly, most venue operators (75%) say they sell more drinks during the summer months and 53% of diners from all age groups agree that they tend to go out more for drinks during summer, so the figures check out – and for those aged 18-34, that number jumps to 75%.

But how do you point those parched patrons toward your venue?

Put on your creative cap! While many venues will alter their summer menu for food, drinks can sometimes be overlooked. But drinks can be a great draw to customers and a great revenue add-on for businesses too, especially if your converting drinkers into diners.

Review last season’s data to see which drinks were most popular – boost the favourites and swap the losers out for something new. Take some time to scan social media for new drinks ideas.

Work with your team to come up with some exciting new recipes when your competitors will likely stick to the summer standards, add a new twist to an old favourite or choose a theme and repackage existing menu offerings to capitalise on the summer season.

To sweeten the deal, consider offering food specials that compliment your drinks menu and extending happy hour to cover those slower times. Enticing customers to come in earlier or stay later during traditionally quieter times will help you drive more value from every service.

There’s great potential value to be found here, as one ResDiary venue discovered when they boosted their late night revenue with higher drinks sales.




Successfully ride the wave of more walk-ins this summer

The sun is shining, the weather's warm, and customers are heading to your venue en masse. Life is good, right? Maybe, but trying to manage waves of walk-ins can be tricky and unpredictable - not to mention stressful for staff and customers alike!

Generally, summertime in the hospitality business means more traffic, more walk-ins, and more groups of families or friends too. As our survey found, 84% of venues seat more walk-ins during the summer season than at any other time of the year, and most agree (73%) that things get busier when it’s warm and sunny outside.

The flip-side of a wave of walk-ins is that many diners end up being turned away, taking vital revenue with them. In fact, almost half of all operators surveyed agree that they turn away more walk-in traffic during summer.

So, how can you find a balance and keep your hot spot running smoothly?

Review your previous years’ data and create a plan to ensure that you have enough space set aside for walk-ins while keeping the bulk of tables for those who book in advance - of course if you’re fully booked with reservations, you don’t need to worry as much about walk-ins.

Reward early reservations with the best tables and even deals to encourage more predictable traffic that you can plan for. You can also be best prepared by making sure your booking system is up to date and taking care of your walk-ins - and saving your staff a big headache during the summer.

Let ResDiary take away the stress of managing your waiting list and walk-ins with W8List


Leverage local summer events (like many other hospitality businesses)

Summer is filled with lots of events and that means lots of opportunities to grab those hungry and thirsty folks on their way to, and from, their summer fun.

And the stats clearly show the appetite is there, with 68% operators saying local events taking place makes them busier, while a similar number (63%) of under-34 diners say they tend to go out more if there’s something happening nearby.

Look for summer shindigs in your area to leverage and turn your spot into a must-visit for event goers. Aside from the extra traffic, you can increase your audience through joint promotions and targeted collaboration with organisers. Create a special menu or experience for the event goers who stop in for dinner or drinks and leave a lasting impression on them so they visit you again.

Alternatively, team up with event organisers to host their next event at your venue and put your place directly in the spotlight - or become a partner to host pre-drinks or an after-party.

Nearly a third (32%) of diners say they look forward to venue-hosted events in the summer and that number jumps to 54% for those aged 18-34. That means more traffic – especially from younger customers– more sales and likely more reservations for those who don’t want to miss out.



Takeaways for summer success, whatever your venue

The hot summer months can be hot for your venue too – with the right planning, and a combination of creative promotions, exciting new menu items, and special events.

As we continue to support ResDiary users, we hope that the insights from this report will guide and strengthen your strategy for the summer season, and we wish you prosperity and, importantly, great weather once it arrives!

Don't forget to download your copy of our ultimate summer guide below so you can start to work through these important steps for your venue. 

Book a ResDiary Demo!

ResDiary has tools to help you make the most of the hot months while keeping your cool during one of the busiest times of the year.

Whether it’s our comprehensive table management suite that will help fully utilise your space and maximise bookings, our marketing solutions to make sure your customers are up-to-date on all the exciting things you have planned, and our 60+ integration partners, all of which can help you make it a summer to remember.

Importantly, ResDiary is commission-free and trusted by more than 10,000 venues worldwide! Book a demo today to learn how we can help your business grow.